加拿大皇家學院院士、西安大略大學心理系教授Melvyn Goodale應邀來台參加6月4-5日的「身體與認知國際學術研討會」,並進行一系列的學術活動。為求更深刻的學術交流,我們將在「身體與認知國際學術研討會」之後,邀請Goodale教授於台大心理系舉辦為期兩天的研習營。在這兩天內,Goodale教授將就目前熱門的動作與知覺的研究做一整體介紹,並與大家分享其帶領團隊的研究經驗與技術分享。台灣方面,也將呈現以下研究團隊的研究成果:(1)「人類認知、神經機制與社會運作的共建歷程」及(2)「注意力與知覺」研究群。除此二團隊的成員應邀進行主題演講之外,並徵求其他有興趣的學者或研究生發表壁報論文。希望藉此研習營能加強在知覺、動作、與意識領域的相關學者之間的學術交流。


The origins of visual behaviour: Vision as a sensorimotor system

Duplex visual processing in human cerebral cortex: Evidence from neuroimaging and behavioural studies
視覺系統早期的演化目的並非為了讓動物能「看見」,而是藉由控制自身的感覺運動或動作來表徵世界,執行複雜的認知操作能力,進而形成對整個世界的意識經驗。視覺這種雙重特性的本質(看見外界與控制動作)反映在靈長類大腦皮質的組織上。有愈來愈多的證據支持知覺與行動乃分屬於兩條不同的視覺途徑:背側行動束(dorsal action pathway)與腹側知覺束(ventral perception pathway)。「背側行動束」乃從初級視覺皮質投射到頂葉,調控較原始的視覺運動模組,負責有機體的行動;「腹側知覺束」由初級視覺皮質投射到顳葉,負責認知運作所需的豐富及精細的世界表徵。雖然兩條神經束將視覺訊息分開處理,但是彼此存在著複雜且精細的交互作用,並且共同促成了有目的的行動。
General References

Goodale, M.A., and Milner, A.D.  (1992).  Separate visual pathways for perception and action. Trends in Neurosciences, 15(1), 20-25.

Goodale, M.A. & Milner, A.D. (2004).   Sight Unseen: An Exploration of Conscious and Unconscious Vision.  Oxford: Oxford University Press. 135pp.

Goodale, M.A. & Westwood, D.A.  (2004).  An evolving view of duplex vision:  Separate but interacting cortical pathways for perception and action.  Current Opinion in Neurobiology 14, 203-211.

Milner, A. D., & Goodale, M.A.  (1995).   The Visual Brain in Action.  Oxford:  Oxford University Press, 248 pp. (paperback 1996)

Specific References

Aglioti, S., DeSouza, J., & Goodale, M.A.  (1995).  Size-contrast illusions deceive the eyes but not the hand.  Current Biology, 5(6), 679-685.

Culham, J.C., Danckert, S.L., DeSouza, J.F.X., Gati, J.S., Menon, R.S., & Goodale, M.A. (2003). Visually-guided grasping produces activation in dorsal but not ventral stream brain areas. Experimental Brain Research, 153, 180-189.

Goodale, M.A.  (1996).  Visuomotor modules in the vertebrate brain.  Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 74, 390-400.

Goodale, M.A., Westwood, D.A., & Milner, A.D.  (2004).  Two distinct modes of control for object-directed action.  In C.A. Heywood, A.D. Milner, & C. Blakemore.  The Roots of Visual Awareness.  Progress in Brain Research.  Elsevier: Amsterdam.

James, T.W., Culham, J., Humphrey, G.K., Milner, D.A., & Goodale, M.A. (2003). Ventral occipital lesions impair object recognition but not object-directed grasping: An fMRI study. Brain, 126, 2463-2475.

Steeves, J.K.E., Humphrey, G.K., Culham, J.C., Menon, R.S., Milner, A.D., & Goodale, M.A. (2004). Behavioral and neuroimaging evidence for a contribution of color and texture information to scene classification in a patient with visual form agnosia.  Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 16, 955-965.

Westwood, D.A., & Goodale, M.A. (2003).  Perceptual illusion and the real-time control of action.  Spatial Vision, 16, 243-254.